The selection of 2024 International Magnesium Science and Technology Award is launched

10 September 2024

The selection of 2024 International Magnesium Science and Technology Award is launched

International Magnesium Science &Technology Award is founded by International Mg Society (IMS), Journal of Magnesium and Alloys (JMA), Caixing foundation, and other organizations with great importance, with the aim to promote the development of magnesium scienceand technology. The International Magnesium Science & Technology Award is categorized as the Grand Award and the Annual Award. The 2024 Annual Award andGrand Award are officially launched, and the relevant matters and requirements are notified as follows:

1. Brief introduction

(1) Annual Award

1) The 2024 Annual Award evaluates the achievement in the period of 2023.06- 2024.06.

2) The Annual Award includes:

I  International Magnesium Award for Person ofthe Year,

II  International Magnesium Award for Youth of the Year,

III  International Magnesium Award for Excellent Paper of the Year,

IV  International Magnesium Award for Excellent Thesis of the Year,

V  International Magnesium Award for Innovative Process of the Year,

VI  International Magnesium Award for Innovative Product of the Year,

VII  International Magnesium Award for Standard of the year,

VIII  International Magnesium Award for Special Contribution on Innovation of the Year.

3) The preliminary candidates for Awards I to VI are generated by recommendation and invited application.

4) Detailed conditions of Annual Award can be found in the statutes.

(2) Grand Award

1) The 2024 Grand Award evaluates the achievement in the period of 2021-2023.

2) The Grand Award includes:

I  International Magnesium Award for Distinguished Scientists,

II  International Magnesium Award for Outstanding Youth,

III  International Magnesium Award for R&D Innovation,

IV International Magnesium Award for Innovative Application,

V  International Magnesium Award for Life time Achievement.

3) The preliminary candidates for Awards I to IV are generated by recommendation.

4) Detailed conditions of Grand Award can be found in the statutes.

2. Recommended methods and requirements

(1) Candidate recommendation consists of recommendation by the recommendation committee and invited application. If a candidate is recommended through both channels, their candidacy will not be duplicated.

(2) When recommended by the recommendation committee, the committee member shall fill in the recommendation form.

(3) For invited application (only for the Annual Awards), the individual shall fill in the Recommendationform, along with two signed Recommendation letters from professors or the equivalent (less than 100 words). Each individual is limited to apply for one Award.

(4) The recommendation form and recommendation letter shall be written in English.

(5) The deadline for the recommendation material is 22:00 on Sep. 18th, 2024.

(6) Please return the recommendation materials to

(7) Please find the statutes of Annual Award and Grand Award, Recommendation form and template of Recommendation Letter as attached.

3. Contact

Contact persons:

Prof. Jiangfeng Song, E-mail:, Tel.: 008618223616225

Prof. Liuyue Cao, E-mail:, Tel.: 008617723665285

Prof. Yan Yang, E-mail:l, Tel:008613657652030
